Doom and gloom

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    The news is just full of it. I wonder if they realise the effect it has on people especially the young?
    snotty likes this.
  2. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    I agree...hence not watching most of the news these days.
    Iain McAvoy, Poptop2, Coda and 3 others like this.
  3. This.... it's just depressing isn't it. Worse for anyone stuck on their own :(

    Dare I mention Brexit?
    Poptop2 likes this.
  4. Take back control
    Back to Victorian values:(
    Poptop2 and Coda like this.
  5. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    I do feel for anyone on their own especially last year when the pandemic was new to us & everything / everyone was isolated, who would they have to share the time with?

    It did get to us at the start as it was all unknowns but we ended up walking old pit trails around us as we have them within easy reach & quite enjoyed our own company & then we bumped into a few others who did similar & things ended up not as bad.

    Don't mention Brexit!!
  6. I found the second lockdown, January to late May, early June, this year, much worse than the first, there was a bit of novelty to it the first time around. The travel restrictions were much stricter too, which didn't help with finding things to look forward to.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
    cunny44 likes this.
  7. I remember the 1970's with the 3 day week, power cuts, inflation rising to 24% and interest rates on mortgages rising to 13%, that was no fun and far worse than now.
    chad, Bigherb, Huyrob and 8 others like this.
  8. They don’t really care. They just want to be the first to report anything and everything.
    Coda and Poptop2 like this.
  9. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Nobody is reported as being 'a bit miffed' , they are always 'furious'.
    chad, mgbman, Faust and 10 others like this.
  10. I would counter with...Try buying a house now? :(

    Affordability for the younger generation is way worse than the 70's.
    mgbman, Iain McAvoy, paradox and 5 others like this.
  11. JamesLey

    JamesLey Sponsor

    Lots of fun saving for a house deposit!
    Huyrob, Dubs and F_Pantos like this.
  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    We had community then. Nowadays I doubt many of us on here have a similar social life or close family network. It’s pretty awful for this generation as they’re confined in the main to loneliness, computer fed news and a lack of social skills. The doom and gloom news doesn’t help them!
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Don't watch it then, it's not compulsory and 99.9% has zero direct effect on you, it's total controlling garbage and not "news" at all. :)
    I have never been so content and relaxed since I gave it up years ago and frankly that goes for 99.9% of ALL TV. Highly recommended - you will not be missing anything. News based occurencies come and go and DO NOT have ANY impact on your life. Honest - try it for a year and live in peace and harmony.
  14. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    I'll be honest, with the second lockdown, we applied some common sense to what we did, ie, had limited contact with people as we moved around to work & shopping and when we did have to meet anyone, we met outdoors and did a test beforehand.

    What I will say is I will never ever lockdown again & follow the rules. We did follow the rules & didn't see my parents, last February my Dad had a water infection, Easter he was slow on his feet and by May he was struggling to walk. Come the end of may he couldn't mash potatoes & was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, Bone Cancer, Atrial Fibrillation and we lost him at the start of July.

    Since last October we saw them six times whilst he was well, we saw him more at the end of his days.

    Never again will I do the lockdown....
  15. I know how you feel, only in my case it was seeing my lads, hardly seen them at all this year, you blink and they grow up.

    I also didn't think I would miss most of the folk in the office, but the simple act of having to walk around the ones that wind me up, helped keep the edge on my social skills. Without that daily interaction, almost six months, mostly spent alone, I was starting to loose my sense of perspective :(

    The only silver lining is the lack of commute.
    Purple and Poptop2 like this.
  16. At least the sun is still out :)
    Purple and scrooge95 like this.
  17. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    I do remember when we saw you at the pub that night you mentioned then you missed them (am I right in saying you was off to France to see them). My two live in Chester & we have just started to see a bit more of them, which is good.

    I didn't miss the commute either but I did miss having a laugh with two of the lads at work I am closest to, the others are still home working and they don't have a clue what taking the p... out of one another is all about, they don't get it & think we are being aggressive :lol:

    On the upside, we all have, touch wood, good health which is important to mind and soul!
    Purple and F_Pantos like this.
  18. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Rovverham is very sunny today, Crossy has lent us some Barnsley weather for the day :hattip:
  19. That was kind of what my silly tongue in cheek post was about yesterday.

    I was watching that god awful poisonous Kay Burley yesterday morning and I thought why the hell am I watching this @@&@ ??

    some one says black, so she says white. It’s just a massive media game to them. Media ambulance chasers. We had to endure months and months of the likes of Burley and Rigby chipping in at the press conferences with their faux concern for the nation whilst they actually ignored the rules we all were living by and ended up suspended. These were the very same people who were all over the weasel Cummings like a rash when he broke the rules. It’s all just Hypocritical BS from the media and it’s not a healthy diet to be fed every day.

    we have a lorry driver shortage at the moment. The spin the BBC and Sky are taking is that it’s all Brexits fault cos all the cheap Eastern European drivers have left.

    well how about going back a stage and saying if the previous Labour government hadn’t thrown the doors open to uncontrolled immigration, allowing thousands of people to undercut the wages of our skilled drivers, forcing them to work longer hours, in worse conditions, for less money then our own drivers wouldn’t have left the industry would they?

    but of course that doesn’t suit the current spin agenda does it.

    the media just pick and choose the bits they want to report to stoke the fires and drive their agenda. No wonder so many youngsters turn to other sources for their news these days and many don’t even watch tv anymore.

    I’m gonna make an effort to watch less and less main stream news myself as after the last eighteen months I’ve pretty much had my fill of most of them to be honest. I think it’s probably healthier to do something else.
    Devon233, chad, Faust and 6 others like this.
  20. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

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