Dogs of TLB

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jonboy_t, Jun 27, 2021.

  1. Poppy the cockapoo...

  2. JamesLey

    JamesLey Sponsor

    Barnaby the miniature Schnauzer proudly modelling on this Porsche Tombstone.

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  3. B53F3178-50AB-499B-8D1E-2489B6861BE5.jpeg

    It will be three years this year that we lost our black lab. For the next five days I’m looking after this three year old hooligan. He was dropped off to me at ten this morning. It’s now 3pm and this is the first time he’s sat down long enough for a photo. There appears to be no off switch.
  4. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

  5. Out of interest, how do you all transport your pooches in the bus? At the moment ours goes in a cage, but it’s too big really. Do you use harnesses and seat belt adapters? To say ours is a lively one is an understatement. He ate through the soft cage in my wifes car in about 3 journeys…

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  6. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    Dylan has a harness attached to the rear lap straps. It’s probably not ideal, but bizarrely he’s really quiet and well behaved in the car and the camper! He just lies down and goes to sleep.
    docjohn likes this.
  7. Cheers! I think I’ll have to get something to try. Milo normally lays in his bed in the cage, but it just makes one side of the table unusable. I was thinking of some tie downs behind the passenger seat that I could clip him and his bed to, but would be easier on the seat.

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  8. 534ECD1B-8DCA-4D56-BB98-20E38E721650.jpeg Daisy, a Beagle Cross.
  9. 87E7C65F-757B-4A1C-8042-E1EA96D93EB8.jpeg
    My sons puppy black lab :) so placid compared with our grizzly old Jack.
  10. Same as Sarah says above, we just plug a strap into a rear seatbelt clip and attach it to Bella's harness but she's a good passenger too. By the time we've got out of our village she's usually curled up asleep and only shows an interest when we slow down in traffic:thumbsup:
    Sick Boy, scrooge95 and docjohn like this.
  11. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    We use a harness and seat belt adapter thingy. Our Coco is very well behaved in the car mind.
    scrooge95 and docjohn like this.
  12. Norris

    Norris Supporter

    We used to use a clip to harness her to the seat belt mounting of the buddy seat.

    Sadly departed some months ago at a ripe old age
    scrooge95, docjohn and Purple like this.
  13. Thanks guys and gals, think it’s worth a try with the harness and clip option and see if he behaves! The cage doesn’t really allow the walkthrough to be used. [​IMG]

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  14. docjohn

    docjohn Supporter

    As said by others, we use seat belt adapters.
  15. Norris

    Norris Supporter

    Gorgeous lad :)
    gratboyslim likes this.
  16. Here’s Rueben..


    Loves a trip out in the bus (despite the face)
    rob.e, Sick Boy, scrooge95 and 8 others like this.
  17. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    You will be in so much trouble my lad.
    Betty the Bay likes this.
  18. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    The farm dogs.
    Remi sheepdog.

    Sweetpea the Bull Mastiff cross


    Tobin Mastiff cross.


    Maddie (Maddog) Sheepdog


    Miss Lily the pet


    Pugsley The not very bright sheepdog.

  19. When we lost our last boxer Chaz last year we said never again....
    Then this happened last week

    Samson, Old Tyme bulldog.
    Here we go again ............

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