Dog pictures

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. I hate the reputation they have. Really pees me off. But it did come in handy from time to time. My mum is all of 5ft. Long before the days of internet banking, she needed to move quite a large sum of money from one bank to another. For reasons I can’t remember now the easiest way to do this was for her to draw out cash from one bank, walk the length of the high st and pay it in another. I took my two rotties and we escorted her on her stroll. I was fairly confident no one was going to try to mug her that day. Lol.
    Moons, scrooge95, nicktuft and 2 others like this.
  2. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

  3. Oh, look, everyone, I found some Fox pooh to roll in :thumbsup:


    And now I smell proper!!!
  4. Well done Rory..:chewie:
  5. Cheers chap
  6. made to wait at the gates on our walk.

  7. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    Ours have 80% meat, 10% bone and 10% offal which of course includes tripe. The stuff we get from Dog and Bones in Stokesley can smell pretty foul but once the dogs have eaten it, their breath doesn't smell at all. Probably too good to leave any in the mouth!
  8. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Sounds like what she gets - I suspect the chicken and lamb are ok, but the ox, oh good god, the ox!
  9. image.png Kevin happy with him self.
    nicktuft, Huyrob, F_Pantos and 10 others like this.
  10. Kevinthedog likes this.
  11. He’s fabulous!
    scrooge95 likes this.
  12. JamesLey

    JamesLey Sponsor

    Ah bugger I didn't get to meet him the other week!
  13. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    2yrs between the 2 pictures......and he’s still as mad as a box of frogs.


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  14. Do they ever stop being mad?
  15. docjohn

    docjohn Supporter

    Sometimes they get on... it's a generation thing
    20200427_152243 (3).jpg
    Merlin Cat, nicktuft, paradox and 3 others like this.
  16. 3B861A3F-C922-4B5D-A3BB-5135DA653C81.jpeg
    my Boys:)
    Matchy, Merlin Cat, philntfc and 5 others like this.
  17. [​IMG]

    That’ll teach him!

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