Does anyone know ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord Congi, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Theres a something you can put on your gas ring in the van that works like a heater ,I can only see ones that come attached to the ring ,does anybody know where I can get one from?
    thanks in advance
  2. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Need a CO monitor with that , and keep the windows open ;)
  3. No chance ,windows shut ,thats the point! ::)
  4. carbon monoxide alarm is must though, it'd be a real bummer to wake up dead while your away camping :)
  5. Really?
    Wont be leaving it on overnight.
    Unless I die.
  7. ha dave wakes up dead every morning when camping ;
    thought everyone knew that ;)
  8. Ok going to get a CO2 monitor (only £15) ,but cant understand why these would be sold for tents though if they were dangerous ?
  9. Do you remember the Titanic and do you remember they said it was unsinkable and do you remember what happens to it
  11. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    You should have a monitor anyway Dave. Make us all feel more easy waiting for you to appear in the morning :)
  13. Surely with the dodgy door seals and numerous air gaps around our buses a co2 monitor wouldn't be neccersary? ;)
  14. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

  16. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Is a co2 monitor like a milk monitor ,our milk monitor never really worked she just sat there watching while we all took our own milk then locked the shed door before the end of playtime, my mate Tony fancied her.
  17. why would anyone want a CO2 monitor , it would be constantly bleeping , the world is full of CO2.
    Personally i would fit a CO monitor , after all its the carbon monoxide thats the real killer.
  19. strongly advice that these are not used inside a van, night or day.

    Remember people that Carbon monoxide CO is tasteless and odourless, even with a co detector the consequences are horrific.. Brain damage and death will occur when any fossil fueled heaters are use in a confined area without correct flues and ventilation.

    Last season a couple died when the brought their disposable bbq into keep them warm !!!

    ONLY use a correct heater, that has been certified.

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