does anyone hate trains more than me?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mk2zetec, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. :mad: currently stuck at crewe station as the line to Chester has a problem. how difficult can it be to run a rail service.
    I have the misfortune to have to go to London once a week with my job.

    the railway experience starts as soon as you arrive at the station as some surly fu*kwit interrogates you about your 'eticket' before allowing you to enter the pigeon sh!t encrusted platform areas to wait for your inevitably late train.

    The £350 for first class travel to London (work pays) gets you an invitation to 'musical chairs', the result of the seat reservation system being inoperative (has it ever fu*king worked?) and an almost psychotic need for people to sit in the actual seat that they booked.

    breakfast sir?
    the options are the 1.99 petrol station quality fruit salad
    frozen salmon with a salmon quiche (for breakfast?)
    or the 'Grill' which believe me has never been anywhere near a fuc*ing grill.

    the worst coffee I have ever tasted

    Accompanying you throughout your journey will be an overwhelming smell of stale ******* from the leaking toilets that don’t flush and toilet doors that wont lock. I pity the pretty American lady interrupted while wiping her arse this morning. dont forget to wash your hands. we'll you can put soap on them but there probably wont be water and the warm air hand dryer is about as effectve as a mouse farting in your general direction.

    This evenings 'meal' was a pork & chorizo 'thing' with something that used to be mashed potato. I hadn’t realised that you pronounce chorizo chooo-reee-it-zooo, but I suspect that came as part of the on-the-job training that the staff get.

    3/4 of all journeys have delays. animals on the line, men checking tunnels (can they not find a better time to do it than peak times on a Friday?!) chavs on the line, scrotes nicking power and signal cables, broken lines, broken trains, not enough staff to run the service. I could go on.

    move over beardy Branson - I could do a better job than you.
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i love trains and it is my hobby, i care not that people take the pee and call me a train spotter, i love traveling on the rail network but as i only do it for recreation i never worry about being late or cancelations as my nerdyness lets me know where i can divert to/from to get there without getting stressed, i hope you get sorted soon fella.
    Lord Congi likes this.
  3. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    l hate them. l love my white trainers and always end up with scuffs because people are crammed into them and your shoes get yes l do hate them more than you :)
  4. for £350 why dont you ask work for the money, rent a car for the day take a packed lunch pay congestion charge and parking and pocket the £200 you will have left over ;) ;) simples
  5. to answer your question, i have no hate for trains although i would rather drive

    we get a steam train going through the town i live every so often and i join many (mainly children) on the bridge and watch and get covered in steam 8) thats fun
  6. i hate trains - my current job means i travel a lot and always by train as the company is too cheap to provide us with cars ... i hate trains
  7. I love the railway as it's pay's me a considerable amount to maintain where's my hard hat i feel some flack coming my way
    Before you all start on me there is a certain double act trying their hardest to fook it all up
  8. the thing i do like about trains however is i always have my macbook air with me and use the time to work on my demos for my music ... its very inspiring travelling and making tracks
  9. I generally dislike them but my journey into Victoria is from the newly refurbished Crystal Palace station with all the original features restored (very nice) and the train is a posh one with tables, air con and no chavs for some reason :D

    However, the journey home is the complete opposite in that the trains are the crappest, dirtiest ones they can find and all the nasty, scrotty little barstewards seem to get on it. Also, for some reason almost every other week 8 million German/Spanish teens get on to return to god knows where, who, although lovely, are the loudest talkers in the world :eek:
  10. i was up at the palace station the other day ... it was BUuussyyyy
  11. Yeah, I saw the photo :eek: Rather you than me ;D
  12. aren't trains for people that can't drive?
    sitting in a carriage full of sweaty farting people, not daring to look at anyone for fear of being stabbed, err, no thanks
  13. Ricky!!! lol
  14. Peeps do decry it but I kid you not ,theLondon Underground is a work of art/joy , I love the London Underground.(which on some sections does go "overland")
  15. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I've been down to that there London once or twice a week every week for around 15 years - the only real consistent annoyance is the gratuitous BING BONG announcing that its the London train or whatever after you've left the station - at which point so effin what, not like you can get off!

    Agree on the seat booking system (though have never seen it instigated with the nazi like vigour as that seen at 5.30 between Leeds and Sheffield - old dears getting turfed out of seats and everything!)

    Other than that I find it 99% tolerable, and most of the time actually ok.

    Underground is something that is OK (DLR though is like a poor man's roller coaster) - am glad I don't have to do it everyday - again, its been 98% fine reliability wise.

    Having also commuted to London for a few years by car - you'd have to be insane to choose that option in my view.
    steveagain likes this.
  16. I like going for days out / holidays by train. It makes it feel more like a day out. But hate using them for work. Luckily I dont have to that often.
  17. I have a love / hate relationship with trains, when its not for work and not over crowded I like to travel on trains , I like taking my children on trains and they love it, HOWEVER many an evening travelling back from far off places way across the Norfolk boarder, such as Birmingham, Newscastle and London I have had my joyous reunion put on hold due to theft of over head cables , delays pain staking broken down non passenger trains, when you are moving at 2 miles and hour ...........then I hate the stinky, overcrowded coaches.

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