do you leave your trousers on all night?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by snotty, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. If so, why? Summarise any benefits this may have, particularly with regard to Climate Change.
  2. I do and the benefits are twofold.
    Firstly it saves electricity. (Which I can then squander by leaving my Christmas lights on all night)
    Secondly, if I tie the ankles of my trousers up, any night moves /copyright bob seger/ can be trapped and stored up. The resulting gaseous balloons of my hammer time pants can be used to power at my will, a small wind turbine I've erected in my hamster cage, thus allowing my hamster to have a rest but keep the wheel moving. Saiid hamster then has more energy to eat the spare nuts/seeds leftover from my nut parties.
  3. Mmmm. Methane capture. Good thinking.
  4. Just supposing you can't decide if you should take them of or keep them on, I didn't have this dilemma until I read this thread.

    Hammer pants are the future

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