Crankshaft oil seal

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by smeato, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. Should be fine. You can bet VW didn’t go through all this faff at the factory when they were making a thousand engines a day.
  2. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    Even a dab behind each ear?
  3. smeato

    smeato Supporter

    yea and a couple of drops down the front of the y-fronts just in case
    Dubs and snotty like this.
  4. smeato

    smeato Supporter

    Never thought of it like that….
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    ... but possibly they parkerised them first. I've read also they span them up with a machine, for how long I don't know but maybe long enough to run the cam in.
    smeato likes this.
  6. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Beats denting the cam with the corner of a cam follower when the home made version gives way..
    smeato likes this.
  7. smeato

    smeato Supporter

    So I’ve still got an oil leak:mad: there’s a drip on the garage floor right below where it was leaking before.
  8. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    UV dye time.

    Then empty the oil , dremel the crack out so its is a valley with sides that lean in towards the surface deegrease with carb cleaner and fill the crack with JB weld.. if its not coming out of a pressurised gallery but just through the case, that should hold it.
  9. Sorry to hear of your oil leak.

    Whack an old baking tray under it to stop it messing up the garage floor.

    Keep an eye on how much oil you are actually loosing over a range of miles.

    Eg how much does it drop from the top mark on the dipstick after you've done 100 miles etc

    Once you get an idea of how much it's actually loosing you'll know if you need to seriously worry or not.

    Hopefully it's just marking its territory and you won't have to worry too much about it. Just keep it topped up, check it regularly and always carry enough oil to top it up.
  10. smeato

    smeato Supporter

    Yea something like that sounds good- it’ll have to wait though, I can’t face taking the engine out again any time soon.
  11. smeato

    smeato Supporter

    That sounds like a plan in the meantime, I’m definitely not stripping it again unless I absolutely have to.
    paulcalf likes this.
  12. What a bummer :(. I've run out of suggestions, I'm afraid.
  13. smeato

    smeato Supporter

    Haha no worries-I can only thank you for all the advice and encouragement, I’m sure a drip here and there won’t hurt for now, I really can’t face stripping it down again….. maybe a rebuild in a year or two if it doesn’t get too much worse. I’ve got all the brakes and running gear to assemble next…..

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