Cold start

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b0dyr0ck2006, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. No it's not another one of 'those' threads.

    It's getting a but nippy in the morning now. Brrrr
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    certainly is, winter is on the way unfortunately!
  3. Haha, thought you'd be along to check it out. ;)

    It's miserable being cold in the mornings. Why couldn't I have been born somewhere hotter - damn parents! :lol:
  4. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    i would say that at least this way we appreciate the warm weather when it comes, but unfortunately this year it never really turned up for long enough!
  5. And every year we mutter the same thing. I'm definitely a sun baby, just can't stand being cold one bit
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Bring on the snow I love it and as for warm weather drive to it its not hard to find.
  7. I find it easier to warm up than cool down so I like cold and crisp but I hate the rain
  8. I'm the other way round, don't mind being hot but takes ages for me to warm up when I'm cold.
  9. I don't care how cold it gets this winter, just as long as it's nice and sunny next weekend, I'll be a happy chappy all winter. I won't even complain when my ears get cold.
  10. Don't mind hot, don't mind cold, but can't stand being wet! Which is what we've been most of this year!
  11. Fingers crossed for sun next Saturday!

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