Chosen charity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DubCat, Mar 21, 2022.

  1. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    A little while ago now I did a group buy for alternator seals from Australia. Due to Royal Mail not charging me the duty I owed a bit of dosh back to everyone and they all said give it to my favourite charity. Well rather than the cash, what if I could do better? I decided to help these wonderful people at the Peterborough Hedgehog Hotel. Instead of cash I gave them 100 bespoke Zip Buddys, which they are selling for 3 quid each, netting them way more than the 30ish in cash. So hopefully I kept my end and a bit more. PHH are very happy :D

    They're only on FB, so here's a link if anyone's interested in seeing what they do. Some of the photos can be a bit graphic.
    scrooge95, Louey, nell#2 and 16 others like this.

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