Cheapest way to get a dog cage from York to Lowestoft?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Abba567, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. Alfie has been working hard on learning to be a search and rescue dog but now he is starting to trash the car so it's time to get him a cage in the car. I've found one on eBay in York but its pickup only and it'll be a 9 hour round trip so not really worth it. How much would it cost for a Currier? And what does anyone recommend a company? Failing all that does anyone have a different solution?

    Many thanks

  2. Hi Tony

    You could email the seller and ask would they be willing to recommend a courier. Then you could arrange it. I've only used local ones so can't help I am afraid.

    A few weeks ago we asked (on a real off chance) if anyone could help get some bits I had bought off ebay from Portsmouth up to Liverpool, thinking maybe it could be brought up in stages by helpful people on here. I thought maybe we could get it near enough for me to drive to collect it.
    Result: volkswombat (we love him) was actually coming to within 20 miles of our house so brought it for us!!!!

    The people on here are really altruistic, but it depends how quickly you need the crate, I suppose.

    Worth a try Tony.
    Put it up as a new post asking for help?
  3. About a tenner for a courier, look here
  4. I've got a spare (medium sized) cage at home funnily enough (in Lowestoft) May not be the right size for what you need but I'll have a measure up tonight if you tell me what size.

    Not sure if we want to sell it, but if not you can certainly borrow it at least till you get one permanantly. :)

    PM me your mobile number :thumbsup:
  5. Thanks all you've done late bay proud like normal.

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