Cheap crossover on eBay £2,500 :-)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mattw, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Just spotted this, looks good for £2.5k

    Item number 271225306031
  2. yeah, that does look pretty cheap!! no pictures of the underside though....
  3. Rotten I reckon. Worth 2.5 though if the work can be DIY
  4. just sent the link to my sister who is looking for a bay. thanks for posting this.
  5. No probs :)
  6. Supposing the floor is OK, how much do you reckon a passable interior would cost?
  7. Bed 175
    Foam 150
    Foam coverings (depends if DIY it not)
    Door cards 100
    Floor 60
    So roughly £500 if you fit yourself. Otherwise second hand ones come up on eBay for less.
  8. £500-£1000
  9. it just looks so wrong doesnt it! haha
  10. Certainly does mate and will cost a few bob to put right :)
  11. Oh dear, that 4k black bay!!! what an utter POS!! Sorry but it is!!

    But the 2.5k bus this thread is about looks well worth the money. Just the rot underneath would need a bit more investigation.
  12. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    Yes complete pos - it's in Hemel where I live, but never seen it around.

    As for 4k think he mistakenly added a zero
  13. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    it's had one of those baysplits fibreglass panels added..... oh dear i'm not being bitchy but 4k for that? really?

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