Carbon alarms best place to fit?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sjhjoinery, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. So just finishing of a bus, I've got a smoke and carbon alarm in one but wheres the best place to fit it?

    Thanks Scott.
  2. I would like to know this also :)
  3. i wondered this too....i seem to remember finding out somehow. from memory, it doesnt really matter too much, but at a head hight ish. where is best in a bus i dont know. mine is free standing so i leave it on the table over night thats about head hight. put it away during the day or traveling. co will be mixed in the air fairly evenly, it wont rise to the top or sink to the bottom of a room so far as i understand it. it does a test every few seconds and finds the average reading over time.

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