car sos on more 4 now

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shielsy, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. makes good watching enjoy
    Lasty likes this.
  2. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    Watching but Tim still reallllllllllly irritates me.
    Bigherb, PIE, davidoft and 1 other person like this.
  3. me too only thing thats him in real life too
  4. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    Enjoyed it........kept wondering what the likes of the Messerschmitt, the Isetta, the Heinkel Trojan and Bond Bugs would go like with electric motors in them
  5. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Loads faster , they are 500cc I think
  6. Tim's not that bad, just one of those people you can only spend 5 mins with max.

    From experience through what you see is what you get no fakery, probably a smashing bloke underneath.

    My aunties boyfriend is just like him, whole family hates him but he really does have a big heart
  7. PS the 2 part special with the landy was a total waste of time, you see nowt of the restoration. Just celebrity guests talking poo
  8. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    My dad's Heinkle Trojan was 200cc ...exciting on hills 3 up !
    davidoft likes this.
  9. My bro had a 325cc Meadows Frisky, went quite well.
  10. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    That made me Google the name as never heard of them..........if I was to own one I would take it to shows and invite the wives of the cars admirers to touch it whilst their husbands took a photo. That way they’d actually have a photo of their wife feeling “Frisky”

    I’ll get my coat :rolleyes:
    Bigherb and shielsy like this.
  11. kinky devil lol

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