Cane Hill, Coulsdon, 09/11/08 - Urban Exploring Trip

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b0dyr0ck2006, Oct 15, 2012.

  2. Hellingly was too far gone to restore it Barney. I was a shell of it's former self, a real pity as it used to be a wonderful collections of buildings.

    Did you know all the asylums built in Europe were built on the same design as Millbank prison? All the architecture was designed by the same person?
  4. I heard about that. That plan worked then......
  5. i can't even begin to tell you how much i would have LOVED this!!

    next time you're going to somewhere like this let me know... i'd pay good money to sneak into places like this ;)

    i feel like i've lived somewhere like this in a past life!!

  6. I will let you know.
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    That chapel is superb Col !
  9. ever been to Whittingham Asylum?? that's not far from me... think i might have to take a look some time!! x

    God forbid something happens, no-one will know where you are or what has happened.

    But no I haven't been up there, I've tried doing the local ones first as it usually takes a couple of visits to suss out where to get in
  12. but thanks for caring :) x
  13. My parents house overlooks Cane Hill and from my old bedroom window I can see the buildings up on the hill. Used to see quite a few of the least affected inmates walking through Coulsdon on a fairly regular basis. Glad that something is finally happening with the site - last I heard it was going to be a Science/Research Park???
  14. This thread brings back teenage memories! Me and my friends used to drink Diamond White and head up there trying to freak each other out!

    My guess would be that the fire was the result of teenagers starting messing about and lighting things.
  15. Teenagers would have had no chance getting in there when this happened. ;)
  16. It's been a long while since I've done this and this thread has rekindled my interest.

    Who would be up for an explore?

    Does anybody know of any interesting sites? Including industrial, asylums, caves/tunnels,etc

    Who could rece said sites for access etc?
  17. meeee... but i'm new to this... been looking on that 28days later urbex site....looking at places i'd like to go... how didn't i know about this....
  18. Well its not really something that is common knowledge, a niche that you stumble upon.

    As long as you realise that it's dirty, dangerous and a certain amount of risk involved. Coupled with power hungry security.

    I'm willing to go with anyone as long as they are aware of the above and are willing to listen to advice.

    There is only so much risk I will take, for example a group on that site explored a decommissioned submarine on a live military site. Too much for me.

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