Can someone give me a measurement please.

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by top banana racing, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. I'm nowhere near a Bus and need to know how far out from the face of the drum the rear hub nut extends.
    Anyway know it off by heart (saddo) or can measure one for me?
  2. 56.20mm from drum face to outer face of nut or 60.42mm from drum face to end of half shaft.
    madpad and Top Banana Racing like this.
  3. Thank you. :)
  4. You're welcome :)
  5. I'm hoping you measured it and don't know it off by heart!
  6. :lol: I just happened to be close by with a set of verniers. Of course I might just make a note of it in the notebook that lives in my anorak pocket....
    Top Banana Racing and snotty like this.
  7. geek;)
  8. we all have our burdens... :D
  9. some more than most....:D

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