can any one advise me ....wheels question

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by RustyMonkeyBus, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    can any one advise how this guy got 10j wheels on the rear ?
  2. oh ha ha - i thought any wider than 8j required major surgery ?
  3. he will have had to narrow the rear end of the bus to get those in!
  4. Tub the inners and a bit of surgery to the outer arches and of course, as is the fashion, undersized tyres. Probably moved the shocks as well.
  5. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Splitscreen tubs are wider than bays, they may go straight on
  6. the tubs will probably just be wide enough but the suspension itself will need narrowing.
    davidoft likes this.
  7. i don't need 9's or 10's I'm just wondering what can be put on a 79 bay in the porsche variety without too much aggravation , Ive found 16" fuchs 7j all round but if i can fit an 8 or 9 I would , just don't want to spend out on wheels only to have them not fit
  8. I'd advise against using adaptors to fit 5x130 if that was the way you were going
  9. whys that ?
  10. Unless they're hub centric and TUV tested that is ....your adding another 20 bolts and another inch of stress on wheel bearings ..... With the extra horsepower .....creative do 5x130 rear hubs and you can redrill fronts

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