Camper styled step wot I made in me shed.

Discussion in 'Non Late Bay Classifieds' started by McKilt, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Hi...
    after struggling to get in and out of my camper for ages my invisible friend suggested I make these steps...
    They're now available for real people too!

    VW Camper inspired metal works....
    Hand-made steps to help the old/infirm/drunk up into their 'van.
    Or perhaps just a fashion statement for those with young knees?
    Made from 3mm steel checker plate.
    Fits perfectly onto ley lines, or even the gap between your camper van and the floor.

    550mm Long
    230mm Wide
    170mm Tall

    They're different and unique, so they'll suit you down to the ground!

    These ones are painted in Gold Hammerite, other options are available.
    They weigh around 4kg
    60 English Quids delivered to your door
  2. V.clever, good luck with your new they fold? X
  3. Not by design, but I'm sure strategic application of excessive weight, like drunkenly running 'em over would do the trick!

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