Calling all Photoshop experts (who fancy a few karma)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Baydreams, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Are you a Photoshop expert? I don't want anyone spending too much time on this. If it's a big job then let me know and I'll work out a way of doing it. Somehow.

    But, can anyone take this caravan and change the outer skin to chrome, with the same chrome-finish as this Porsche Porsche 911 Turbo chrome vehicle wrap

    I want to see what an Eriba immitaing an Airstream looks like and whether it's worth having a shot at doing it for real.
  2. i think that would look amazing!!

    x no need to photoshop it just will x
  3. Moons

    Moons Guest

    Airstream vans were for the most part flat panels that could be polished to mirror finish (but then tarnished fairly quickly).

    You won't get the same effect - the Eriba has a dimpled finish - so polishing won't give a mirror finish and the wrap takes the form of the substrate - so it will look dimpled too.

    If non dimpled finish I would imagine its cheaper and more practical to polish the aluminium - as a footnote, having installed chrome wrap on a car it scratches really easily and needs to be replaced pretty often.
  4. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    IMHO the curved panels will look good as the airstream does, but I think the flat panels will just show all their imperfections...
    And you'll be forever polishing it...

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