Bye Bye

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Beakey, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. yeah but no but yeah but -- cheers ,it could have cut me to the quick ,where's yer quick ?.



    The expression Cut to the quick has two different meanings.

    The most common of these uses "the quick" in the sense of a very sensitive part of the body, and refers to UNDER THE FINGERNAIL. The expression "cut to the quick" when used in this way means to hurt, deeply distress or emotionally wound. Variations of this expression such as "touched to the quick" or "stung to the quick" can be dated but to the early 1500's, although the current "cut to the quick" was considered a cliché from around the 1850's onwards.

    The second meaning, although not so commonly used, is used as another way to say get to the point. This version of "cut to the quick" is also known as "cut to the quip".

    there you go
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Just a tad anorakie that Nigel - are you feeling yourself ?.

    today , i meant are you feeling yourself today ??. D'oohh :-[ :-[ :-[ ---------->>>>
  3. I found all that stuff on this thing called the internet , it works by pushing buttons and stuff , , theres a lot of other stuff on there , but i dont know what it all means ,

    its just stuff
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  5. How can Beakey bang on about being ignored? He's just got a nine page response ;)
  6. Has he gone yet? yaaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnnn!!!!!!

    ps. I BEEN IGNORED! why have I only got one post and no karmas any more, where have you people been all my life? well somethings happend, coz me not bin 'ere for a while innit! O0
  7. Awe! bless! you guys are sweet! :thinking:
  11. Ricky, I've just evened up the poll, I couldn't have all those people saying you were a @hailfrank when in fact your a @hailfrank. So now its 50 / 50, that is subject to change however.

    Bye Beaky, if you change mind TLB's still here.

    Of course Beakys account could have been hacked by naughty hacking trolls who put that up in his absence?
  12. Just looked back at the poll I wonder if there's anything psychological about wether you click the top or the bottom box?
  13. i've refused to tick either , on the poll, as I refuse to believe that there really ARE tossers out there. But someone will no doubt prove me verry wrong.!
  14. Right that's it i'm out of here i can handle it anymore you lot have driven me to the edge! I cant take it any more! You've made me really........................


    I'm off for me tea ;)
  15. Right, me too, that's it, I have had enough of this (work) which is really playing Mr Do, i'm off to blow some holes in metal with my uncles gas welder ;)
  16. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Me too ,sicka the lotta ya -- stomping off to work in a bit ;)
  19. Mr Dazzle Sir, do you perchance live in the west country, only, well its your signature at the bottom. ''everyone needs A303;??
  20. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Well I've read the whole thread .... except that first post 'cos I always ignore anything written by, ummmm, thingmy, you know, errrr, wossname. I did vote on the ricky poll on the top box but then I thought I'd make it fairer so I voted on the bottom box as well.

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