Busfest 2024 (used to be Vanfest) Malvern - 3 Counties Showground 6-8th September

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by Louey, Dec 29, 2023.

  1. Louey

    Louey Moderator

    Hawk and davidoft like this.
  2. Keith Bennett

    Keith Bennett Supporter

  3. Keith Bennett

    Keith Bennett Supporter

    Very disappointed. Twenty-five squids to wander around a not-very-busy Busfest yesterday. The main parking field at noon held approx fifteen lines, ie nowhere near up to the hedge (and by teatime the overflow field hadn't been troubled). When I left, I cruised around the lanes and could only count less than thirty Type 2s and just four Splitties.

    Alan Schofield had their usual massive display but no sign of Heritage or JK. The comprehensive but increasingly tired-looking secondhand spares area was being desultorily picked over by a few hopefuls.

    As for the other stuff, you'd be a happy bunny if you wanted clothing (not necessarily VW related), fast food, key-cutting, replacement wheels, body kits, face painting, various signage ("VW Parking Only" etc), jewellery, and a depressing amount of fairground dross.

    Oh, and dogs. And those "cute" little Radio trolleys we could stumble over in the crowds have upgraded themselves into wider wheels and sometimes hauled by a child driving an electric-powered Beetle or, in four cases that I saw, a Bus derivative.

    But the weather held - very humid (couldn't see the Malvern Hills just a mile or so away) and low cloud almost at the dew point, but dry underfoot.

    Perhaps today (Sunday) the crowds might appear but going by yesterday's turnout I'm not sure too many more of our beloved Type 2s will be happily leaking on the grass or sharing their distinctive engine notes with the locals.

    I've been to this show for many years now but for the first time, I was relieved to hit the road for home and empty-handed as well.
    Louey, Merlin Cat and art b like this.

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