Bus Maintenance 101

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Gazaloid, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    As I anxiously await the arrival of my new bus I've been trying to equip myself with as much knowledge as possible in anticipation. It's hard to know where to start!

    So although I'll probably end up with a Haynes manual or equivalent, are there any good recommended mechanical guide books that set out the standard routine maintenance tasks that need to be completed along with scheduled intervals for doing each? Just trying to get ahead of the game.

  2. Congratulations on your new van / bus!
    I've survived with just a Haynes manual all these years but they are simple to work on rust is your bigger issue generally!
    Basically grease everything with a grease nipple on every 6 months and change the oil
    Check points etc every 3000 miles and thats it!
    Keep an eye on bodywork and treat as soon as you see any rust developing and you will be fine. There is a lot of info on t'internet , too much really and people get really anal about left handed VW widgets, just relax and enjoy your van.

    This book is also good and fun.

    zed and S1mon like this.
  3. Welcome to you and your new bus - I'm in a similar position having had mine for 6 months and still finding my way around - photos please when you get it home.
  4. Lots of info on the web. Check out www.ratwell.com its a usa site but good. Also the Bentleys workshop manual is very good. Check out on amazon or ebay. The mag 'campervan & bus' do a good download called 'keeping your van alive' its is a 3 parts cost £3 per part to download, check site for which one you think you want, they are all low res pdfs. There are lots of posts on here about everything, use the search section. Good luck.
  5. Brilliant, thanks everyone. Rest assured I'll be plastering pictures up when I do get him home, hopefully not long to wait now but it'll be worth waiting for!

    Have gone and ordered the Bentley and Alive books...plenty to digest in there.

    Thanks again for the advice - love this forum.

    S1mon and Alex VW Heritage like this.
  6. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

  7. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    What engine?
    I've got a great service guide to Type 1s as a pdf.
  8. It's true - I have actually coloured some of my pics in :thumbsup:

    @Gazaloid : get "Keep your Volkswagen alive" anyway (although some bits are wrong), and Haynes is fine despite what what some say.
  9. 77 Westy

    77 Westy Supporter

    You can’t beat ‘How To Keep Your VW Alive’ for the cartoons; it’s knowing which bits are wrong that’s tricky. Haynes is better, Bentley is best.
  10. I found the Magaines quite helpful. Was it camper and bus that did a series of how to magazines? Think I've got four or five of them!
  11. Hi Baysearcher - I'd appreciate a copy of that too if you could - cheers
  12. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Search through this site for the most common questions and problems.

    Look on www.thesamba.com for questions and problems .. but remember that USA buses belong to purists who need it all original but their engine is different because of USA emission standards.
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Bentley will send you crazy if you're in a hurry - no index.
  14. WHS
    Haynes book of lies isnt actually that bad. Good reference guide as you can actually find stuff in it. I wish half the folk on here who dont know Marmite to start with would start off with haynes and ask questions from a position of some knowledge...... But then again I ask stupid stuff so i take that back. Anyway - buy it - read it (or bits of it your interested in) then ask as there are some pitfalls and sometimes better ways of doing things but you can at least see how its put together (the bus that is) and get your head around the process.
  15. PS I loved reading the John Muir book and its actually quite informative.
  16. JamesLey likes this.

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