Bristol Santa Cruz 2012 - Sunday 2nd December

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by tofufi, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. Hi everyone, it's that time of year again!

    This year, Bristol Christmas Cruise / Santa Cruise will be on Sunday December 2nd.

    As usual, there will be loads to do, and all proceeds will go to charity. Last year, we raised £1000 which was split between our chosen charities.


    Schedule for this year -

    * Gates open at Washingpool farm from 11am, with teas and coffee available. There might also be car boot sale in an adjacent field.

    * CRUISE LEAVES APPROX 12.30pm. Route TBC

    * Cruise arrives Fry's Club Bristol 1.30pm. We're sorry, but NO dogs are allowed at Fry's club - this is beyond our control.

    *Autojumble, bouncy castle, raffle (see prize list below), kids activity table, hot food and bar as we have the whole of Fry's club booked this time.

    * Cost is £5 per vehicle – which gives entry to the show-site and a cruise map. Please pay on arrival.

    * Free autojumble/parts sales for private sellers

    * Trade pitches please contact - donations to charity are asked for from traders.

    * As usual, there'll be prizes awarded to the furthest travelled and the best dressed vehicles.

    So, you can catch up with your mates, do some Christmas shopping, have a great time on the cruise - and know that you're doing something really good raising money for 2 great causes - Prostate Cancer UK ( and Corin's first steps (

    For more info, you can join the facebook page here: or check out the website

    More info will be posted both here and on facebook as and when it happens.

    As usual, ALL interesting cars welcome, especially when the cars are decorated :) )

    Raffle prize list so far:

    HUGE thanks to the companies and individuals who have donated raffle prizes to us. :)







    Hope to see you there :)
  2. Well, there are only a few days to go now! :D

    An updated list of raffle prizes, with more to come! Some awesome prizes, so a huge thanks to all who donated :)


    And this year's cruise stickers...


    Should be an awesome day :D
  3. anyone going :(
  4. see if i can get a lift :thinking:
  5. Well, it's only a little over 24 hours to go now :D

    Just a reminder of the cruise route -

    Postcode for Washingpool farm (the start point) is BS35 5RE, postcode for Fry Club (the end point) is BS31 2AU.

    And finally, the excellent prizes for furthest travelled and best decorated car:


    Can't wait :D
  6. Planning on going but getting a bit worried about the amount of salt on the roads.
  8. its a great day out, but giving it a miss this year as still upset about not getting my raffle prize last year although it wasn't the organisers fault. Staying in Plymouth this year. I wish all those attending a safe trip and enjoy the day.
  9. A good day had today, weather was cold and frosty but dry, lots of vdubbers from all camps. Bumped into Sydney who recognised me purely from my Movember pics! Nice to meet you Syd had a quick look at your bus on my way out, very nice.... And pink ;)
    Here's a few pics of the day not many late bays......
    Here's my old shed next to a tidy split
    Everyone lined up prior to the Cruz, there were loads of air cooled, just not many in this pic
    My girls love pink buses
    This early was so low it was kicking up sparks along the motorway

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