Brazilian steering wheel on a 1977 LHD USA Westy?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Cov1987, May 11, 2016.

  1. Does anyone know whether you can replace the steering wheel on a 1977 USA LHD Westy with a Brazilian one?

    They look a bit fatter than the standard one which is what I am after.
  2. Yes, it's completely impossible, the taste police would track you down.

    & kittens and nuns would probably die.
    Cov1987 likes this.
  3. Obviously it is a function over form consideration, however the wife may vote it down on the grounds of how terrible it looks. In that case will then look at alternative "cool"(expensive) options.
    Bernard Fishtrousers likes this.
  4. 77 Westy

    77 Westy Supporter

    I think a Brazilian looks and feels nice and my wife likes it too.;)

    I have one on my 1977 German LHD Westy.
    Cov1987 likes this.
  5. Seems that it should fit a european bus after 1975 so I think that is mine (built in germany and shipped to the USA).

    Obviously some stylistas will not be happy!

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