Bookies going bust....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Moons, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. I've always seen gambling as a tax on idiots.. :confused:

    I've seen a few..:(

    Mate won 15k on the roulette wheel..
    3 weeks later he'd lost 45k in the same casino..
  2. The therapy helped, but I still have flashbacks...
  3. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I'm very much in agreement with the notion of taking responsibility and sorting oneself out, no arguement from me.

    This technology is off the chart more sophisticated than the old slot machines, I've read a lot of the research behind what drives it, how it measures your response times, maps your strategy, monitors your spend and thought time.

    I'm not talking about people that have knowing choice, informed ability to walk away, I'm talking about people with less control of their lives looking for some small levels of joy...persistent gamblers.

    They call these machines crack cocaine as the dopamine levels are very similar between the machine and the drug, when in use.

    These machines are licenced and freely available on each high street, and as addictive as crack.

    Difference is big business own and built these, it's totally deliberate how they work.

    Imagine a drug that learns how to feed your addiction, it's not passive take or leave it.
    Louey likes this.
  4. Whilst I don’t completely agree that they are as addictive as crack , I do agree that they should be cash only and not debit or credit card .
    Moons likes this.

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