Blowing out the cobwebs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by marowak, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Went for a lovely drive along the coast to Bognor and back today.
    Was great being out in the van - watching as passers by smiled and waved :)
  2. That sounds so cool, can't wait to get out and about...
  3. that sounds great
    my first outing will be volksworld, cant wait
  4. Shame was at work or might have seen you !
  5. So jealous!

    Spent all day tidying my bus, finalising some small jobs. Went to check fuel lines which were all good. Yet noticed the cheap fuel filter was leaking. I don't have a spare so can't drive it this weekend :(

    Annoying as the part is so cheap.!
  6. the bus is running lovely at the moment which makes the journeys that much more fun ;)

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