Blooming health and safety madness

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dazza, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. I am .... Keith Lard in disguise. Its not fire that kills....
  2. Still on health and safety but a change from your technical lifting plans.

    I went to the local Sainsburys petrol station with three 5 litre plastic fuel cans. As I was filling them up with petrol, I heard a loud shouting behind me and it was the manager balling me out!

    I had filled up 2 cans and was starting the third. Now for the health and safety bit. He told me of the new rules which only allowed 2 cans per car as 3 cans carried in a car was considered unsafe. Well, I said that was news to me. He said didnt you read that notice? What notice I asked? That one over there on that pump. It was in very small print so I couldnt read it anyway without my reading glasses on I told him.

    And I cant drive with my reading glasses on, due to health and safety.

    So what am I to do with the petrol in the 3rd can I asked? He said he would confiscate it. I said ok, but the can is my property, so you cant lawfully confiscate it.

    He thought for a bit and said ok I will give you a new can. Ok I said, but what of the petrol? He said I will pour it back into the tank!!!

    I couldnt stop laughing. But of course he was right, 3 cans would make a bigger fire than 2 cans.
    volkswombat likes this.
  3. Sorry, yes i agree, what i meant was the 2015 revision brings into play domestic building works. How the hell that is administered i do not know, cant imagine the average domestic builder being appointed as a principal contractor.
  4. Gotcha cheif. Agreed. Its a load of cock!
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Building sites= labourers= disaster!

    From experience.:(

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