Bloody diyers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rustbucket, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. ECF55A7D-1589-439F-ACE5-E5B1E83055B3.jpeg 2204A86E-0F31-4CE8-978C-33B5516B5795.jpeg I was called out to what should have been a simple breakdown today. Hot water, no heating. Usually a five min job with a multi meter. Not in this case. I was faced with this lot, plus another identical spiders web at the boiler end. It took my three hours to totally rewire the whole fecking lot before I could test it and find the fault. Apparently I’m old fashioned cos I’ve always thought it might be a good idea to use the same coloured wires for neutrals, earths etc.

    Fecking diyers
    jivedubbin, Geordie, Purple and 3 others like this.
  2. matty

    matty Supporter

    At least they used sleeving
    snotty likes this.
  3. Yes, however several of the earths were just twisted together at the other end, I’m guessing he’d used up the worlds supply of single connector blocks by this point.
  4. That actually conforms fully to the Greek Wiring Regs :thumbsup:
    Popsy, Bhubesi, chad and 8 others like this.
  5. No it doesn't it lacks sellotape. At least three joints have to made and insulated with it. I think you're referring to the 2016 14th edition.
  6. If it was Greece there would be a socket installed so you could use a hair dryer whilst sat in the bath.
    Fruitcake, Razzyh, rustbucket and 5 others like this.
  7. Used to work with a spark that would take a screwdriver on holiday to take the cover off the fuse board in his hotel room to check the quality of the wiring.

    True story.
  8. That is one scary rats nest!
  9. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    It's not just DIYers ....
    This is the sixty year old wiring I, ahem, unearthed at my Dad's place in prep for building him an ensuite from scratch ... IMG_20180905_201358123.jpg
    Top two crossed over elsewhere and plastic sheathing melted/bubbled at crossing points: IMG_20180905_190827405.jpg
    because one of them, being pointlessly excessively long, also contacts the fatboy cooker cable:
    Nice deep joists though eh?

    Attached Files:

  10. Every bathroom installation in Greece must have a patress box with no lid on it mounted within easy reach on the bathroom wall. Regs specify that it should have at least three live conductors sticking out of it in case you want to add something later.
    crossy2112 and Dub and Dubber like this.
  11. Diying can be dangurus
    Razzyh and Dub and Dubber like this.
  12. App rent is xorb in tent
  13. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    Respect the power, always use "failsafes" (all circuits off at the board) and get it signed off by someone with "weeeeee"
  14. 50 ertz 1000 kilzya
    jivedubbin and Dub and Dubber like this.
  15. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

  16. I don't think two cables in close proximity is going to cause one to overheat like that (if it has overheated). I suggest you investigate further.
    paradox and matty like this.
  17. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    That's what I thought ...
    Other possible causes though?
    I'm doing a basic "audit" of this tomorrow with a three-piece socket plug tester thingy as at the last visit we found that the main board labeling is a killer ... "Garage" breaker is no such thing, and one other breaker appears to serve for all of downstairs and at least half of upstairs :-/
  18. Dub and Dubber likes this.
  19. Whatever is on that degraded cable (if it has melted) has pulled too much current, and whatever's there to stop it isn't working.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2018
  20. Jesus. It’s terrifying what’s hidden in houses.
    Dub and Dubber likes this.

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