Blog or no blog

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Haveacamper, May 10, 2012.

  1. Hi Guys,

    While having a chat to 2 friends yesterday evening, and showing off all of my camping related birthday presents (pots, pans etc) they commented how jealous they were about my planned trip to south of france in june.

    they then mentioned that i should keep a blog of my trip. although its only a 2week trip and the blog will be written when I get back it go me thinking... :thinking: does anyone on here keep a blog of all of their trips? be it a weekend away or a summer holiday. if so which blog sites do you use. I was thinking that it would be good to do a bit of a google map route of where I go, and pin on all of the campsites i stayed at, with a bit of a review.

    is anyone doing this or know the best system to use? i havent started looking at potential sites, wanted peoples views first :)

  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    you could always set up a thread in holidays away in your bus on here and update it as you go!
  3. I did think that, but as I am on a couple of forums and most of my friends away from the scene arent members on forums then I could provide them with 1 link. I know that you dont need to be members to read on forums, just wasnt sure what people do/whether they bother lol

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