Black Country Residents

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Terrordales, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    For those of you who live in & around the area, I found this when I was researching something totally different the other night.
    There's some great photos of a VW Dealership & workshop in Stourbridge taken in 1968
    Booner, gman4175 and Alex VW Heritage like this.
  2. I am originally from Walsall which is more or less the Black Country. There are some great photos on that site thanks for sharing!
  3. There's a garage I would like to have gone to:



    Guess they didn't have containers in those days:


    Great find Don.
    Alex VW Heritage likes this.
  4. Born and raised in Stourbridge ,really enjoyed the pics and the site which has lead me to a fascinating evening on youtube watching the construction of Stourbridge ring road in the 60's which meant the original vw garage got knocked down and moved to the one in the photos ,yeah I know how to have fun. I think the garage stayed put till the 80's anyway how it looks now,bad photo but you can still see where the vw sign used to be by the lamppost image.jpg
    Lord Charles and Terrordales like this.
  5. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    @Big Rhonda as long as at least one person enjoyed it I'm glad I went to the trouble. :)
    Lord Charles, Big Rhonda and paradox like this.
  6. Great find & thanks for sharing. It's good to see some local history. :thumbsup:
  7. wish i could find my black nwhite pics of vw factory n train full of bugs n few others , must have alook for them.
  8. Are they in your CV? ;)
  9. no CF cant find

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