Bit scared now.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DubCat, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    So Trump went and did it. UK and France in there too. I fear this escalating.
    Terrordales likes this.
  2. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Glad I'm down here.
    72devon, DubCat and Purple like this.
  3. Putin is more concerned about hosting the World Cup than standing with Syria. A world boycott of the tournament would really pi$$ him off.
    DubCat, chad, Pickles and 1 other person like this.
  4. That's what the septics said.

    Before Pearl Harbour.
    SeanOC, Jack Tatty and crossy2112 like this.
  5. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    Takes shirt off, prods bear with stick, waits to see what happens.
    Best way to prevent war is to prepare for it. Not wave a piece of paper about saying peace in our time.
    How did button man get on prodding with his stick?
  6. Noone wanted it but brits always fall into line until its proved wrong then they cry foul! If it is, as it seems a successful raid on chemical weapon sites then thats one thing. No doubt that either wont 100% be the case or that propoganda will show us that civilians were killed and injured. US sabre ratlling and flag waving will overshadow the reasons for doing this which i have some sympathy with. And the Ruskies nose is well out of joint. Looks like they were warned in advance or did they actually really shoot all the missiles down. (Bloody good them kalashnikovs)

    I dont want a war and the world leaders between them have created a right royal cock up in syria. We seem to be bombing the side that are fighting our enemies cos they arent nice people either. Then we say its nothing to do with regime change, which we wont do anything about cos were afraid of the alternative.

    Message seems to be, carry on assad but play nicely! Think we should have done the same in Iraq! Lessons learned possibly.
    art b, DubCat, dacky360 and 1 other person like this.
  7. One would hope lessons learned, but I doubt it...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    art b and Lasty like this.
  8. Just wonder what the consequences are going to be :rolleyes:
  9. Or from an F35 flying off one of our carriers in th med! Oh.... hang on:eek:
  10. Out of 104 cruise missiles launched their sayin 73 got shot down or jammed. That’s a rubbish score that is. They want to get air cooled ones.
    DubCat likes this.

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