Best Classic car write up on ebay!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dubnut, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. I would but that, just to set it on my drive and burn it - he is my arch rival after all. Sadly, he says Joker's cannot apply
  2. Great stuff. Good find!
  3. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I like it.
  4. Moons

    Moons Guest


    I like the Oil light glow, audible banging noise narrative made me laugh a lot!
  5. i like the rear view mirror - on the roof!!
  6. WANT IT!


    Note no super hero powers are imp-lied or included in the sale of this fin-tastic motor carriage.
  7. what is it?
  8. a batmobile!! / hillman imp
  9. Excellent write up. Very funny.
  10. Only in the north, lol
  11. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  12. Sounds like diddymans style of ebay auction lol

    I love people who go off and build crazy things like that for the fun of it

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