Baywatchers Daily drive causes mayhem....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  2. Oi! Not my fault! Train ran a red light!
  3. proper horrible thing to happend to anyone ..
  4. I'm always very skeptical whenever a headline says something like "minor injuries" or "no serious injuries".
    So many minor injuries can stay with you for life.
    Like what if you wind up with nerve damage 6 months later and permanently lose the feeling in your hands? Or what it you come out seeming fine but have life-long chronic back pain and spend the rest of your life addicted to pain pills? Even a badly broken nose or facial laceration could cause permanent psychological trauma.
    We just see so many accidents like this where 30 people are carted off to hospital and they always say, "no serious injuries".
    Yeah, right.
    On a lighter note, I know that train. It's more of a slow moving trolly, really. They just have it all dressed up like the Japanese Bullet train.

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