Banks are idiots

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    That's about it. Spent the morning trying to get them to join up their thinking, but the computer says no.
    Went to another bank who couldn't even tell me what the charges are for eg paying in a cheque.
    My current bank sent me a letter on monday saying my OD approved for another year, then phoned me at 8 last night to demand I pay it off then and there and how am I going to do it. I told them I was cooking dinner... ::)

    Another morning wasted, no credit lines for business. Incidentally they have 10x as much of my cash than I owe in another account. You'd think they'd be happy with all the interest and charges they get - I'm the perfect customer - I always owe them something, always pay it off and never get properly in the poo. I think I'll go and draw it out in cash, but I bet they can't do it without notice - surely this should work both ways?

    Rant over. Back to the grind.
  2. they are all equally crap
  3. I used to have a business account with Lloyds - and when I called them up once I spoke to someone on the phone who put me through to my 'personal account manager'.

    He answered the phone and said ' Hello Mr Parsons - can I call you David?' - I said 'you can - but my name is Daniel' .... the following day I closed down my account with them.
  4. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  5. i don't use banks. I keep all my money under my bed. My other half has a few accounts with Lloyds and they're hopeless
  6. I used to have a wad of credit cards and the banks used to offer me overdrafts etc ,giving cash away...

    Now I have one cheque account that needs to be in credit... C:)

    I must say it is refreshing not to dread the postman and not to have conversations with banks.... 8)
  7. They are useless idiots. There's nothing you can do about it. I would change accounts for my business, but I doubt any of the others would be better.
  8. Lloyd's tsb foobar marmite barstuards bin with them over 20 years bag of cr%^ they take great deal of time to tell ya you are overdrawn then take shedloads of money off ya to put you back in the same position you were in before you paid it off then stop dd which incure more charges from them and from the place you had the dd cool (not)

    i worked 50 hours overtime over Xmas and didn't see a pennie so January i went to see another bank swapped every thing over to them free od for 12 months i will get it paid off but it will be in my time not theres

    one last rant if the bank of England base rate is .5% howcome my mortgage is 4.5% i know they have to earn a quid but this is scandalous when the directors of these places are getting shedloads of bonuses on the back of proper folk who work 50 - 60 hours aweek

    ooooow thats better i can feel the burn thanks
  9. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I'll say one good thing about HSBC - the mortgage - mines <1% above base for life. 8)
  10. if you're deemed 'solvent' and have the capacity to pay off huge debt they'll lend you anything - even to the point of lending you too much than you can actually pay off properly, even when you don't actually want it! Those who need it, new buyers, small business etc get knocked back. The banks have learned nothing, the government approach is useless. Its not the bankers or the banking bosses fault on this though, and if they get a bonus fair play to them for negotiating a good salary.

    What is required is for the government to step in and put in place proper rules and regulation, because at the moment the banking industry and all financial services are effectively still self regulating. Consecutive governments have been too weak though and I can't see that changing
  12. am with santander , ican t complain , bank manager is a gem , well we both train in the same gym lol , standing in the shower last week discussing my account now hows that for dedication as the bank manager , my mrs was killing her self laughing at the though of it , owen nw :-[ :beer_yum:

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