Back from Woolacombe

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by I changed your name in error. Contact dog, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. well back from a week in Woolacombe, alas not in Madge but a good time all the same, it was The Final Fling too ,seemed a small cruise but mostly T4 and T5,s they are a big deal down their,as they prob all over the country getting, a few bays about and 2 real rat bays on the M5 on the way back, a crew cab with canvas and a black bay with what looked like chequered plate on the bottom of the doors, any way it's a grand place although I hear it gets real busy in the summer, we first went 6/7 years ago and took the kids out of school so it was quiet.beautiful beach and good waves for the Jammy gang to bodyboard in,i found this photo of Madge when we stopped at Damage Barton campsite above Woolacombe few years ago,the sunsets were something else 3328968755986.jpg
    paradox and Low n slow like this.
  2. I went to Woolacombe bay loads when I was a kid. I beleive the beach is three miles long (well it was then in the 60's) probably a bit thinner now though.
  3. yes it is a long beach, can't comment on the thinner bit but it has a few shells missing as my youngest likes collecting them. a local told me at Bank Hols and Summer the queue getting in to Woolacombe can be from the top near the fuel station. a long way.

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