Ay-up from t'Derbyshire!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by SarahF, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Hi!!
    Been a 'dubber for ages - my first car was a beetle - but after a few years of non VW insanity, I've bagged myself a bay ;D
    He's a '77, Turkis green over cream, Aussie import and his name is Olli - due to my newfound gung-ho 'One Life, Live It' attitude!
    I've had him about a fortnight now, and after spending the weekend at VW Action found out lots of little niggles that I might need some help with ::)
    We live near Chesterfield in Derbyshire, with 2 cats & a bonkers dog - looking forward to chatting to you all on here & hopefully meeting some of you along the way!
    Sarah & Olli
  2. hello and welcome
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    hello welcome, just under 2 weeks 'til techenders, get yourself over and meet some of us and learn how to stop the niggles.
  4. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Ayup back :lol:

    Another un from Derbyshire, Crich born bred myself - ya canna beat bein from Derbyshire!! Anyway welcome to the forum, enjoy!
  5. Hi.
  6. Hi & welcome, lovin the enthusiasm ;D

    Have you got any pics?

  7. Get out , run ,leggit , save yourselves while you've still got chance, its too late for us but you can still get away!!!!!!
  8. Welcome to TLB.
  9. Hi and welcome
  10. Thanks for the welcome :D

    ..Bugcatcher - I've been on forums/facebook groups on a par with this, so I know what I'm letting myself in for :eek:

    ..Mork - In-laws live at Crich!!! will anyone be going along to the VW show at the tramway museum later this month????

    and Robo - piccies on the way as we speak!
  12. here's a piccie of Olli from yesterday at 'Action.....
  13. Aha welcome to the bunting club :)

    Great looking bus too
  14. do I get extra points for having made it myself??? :thinking:
  15. nice bus ,ay up enjoy yourself 8)
  17. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

  18. hello from just down the road in nottingham *waves*
    lovely bus :)

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