Australian wiper blade - can you explain this oddity?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Baydreams, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. OK, as you all probably know, Australia wiper blades after 1974 fell in the opposite side to the rest of the world. Mine being a '78 RHD bus, they therefore fall / sit on the passenger side when not in use. I had a problem a few weeks back because someone had 'replaced' (which is another word for stealing and replacing them with something else, hoping I wouldn't notice) my Ozzy wiper arms with some others. I told my new mechanic that I though the 'replacements' were for the 'rest of the world' buses, those falling on the otherside. He then tried to fit them and called me to say 'no, they must be Ozzy replacements because they fit'. OK fine. And they work too. Even better. But, when the bus lived in Oz, over years it's wipers had left scratches on the windscreen, showing the area they would travel up in front of the driver. Now, though, the replacements don't come anyway near that area. So I'm thinking 'perhaps the rest of the world wiper arms do work on Ozzy Bays, but just won't cover exactly the same area across the windscreen as proper Ozzy ones?'

    Oh, I do go on, don't I. But I'm just trying to make my point. Has anyone got any ideas on this subject?
  2. Is it not the case that Aussie busses had the wiper mech in the correct position for RHD (something we never got)? That is, the spindles come through the front panel in different positions.
  3. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    ^^^^ this is right. The front panel has different (correct) pressings.
  4. Are the blades a different size on Aussie busses?
  6. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Nope, they just go the right way for a rhd.
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    true english wipers are crap you get the curve of dirt in your eye line, aus and us busses get a clear view.
  8. post a pic up of the arms on the screen, because my LHD arms have a set in them surely if you reverse the arm the blade would sit at a funny angle in the rest position?
  9. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    They are different. They bend the other way.
  10. I can imagine that the wiper arms are different...
  11. I now know the problem. If I ever gets my hands on the bloke who puts bits of my bus back together after the repaint I might not be able to contain my anger. He's since done a runner. But I reckon there's a chance I'm going to bump into him at BusFest in September. The screen is yet another part he swapped for another, replacing my very good bits with rubbish bits. It's quite a shocking long list now which has cost me over £1000 to replace.

    The screen scratches fall in line with the UK wipers. And pictures of my bus pre-resto prove no scratches. So, it's not my original screen!

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