Attn: Marowak

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MangoBay, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. i've seen this one before ... its got a giant vinyl wrap on it

    it used to be a hire van - or so i believe
  2. OMG i love it, and its pink OMG i like something pink, thats a 1st for me ;)
  5. i'll let you off ;)
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Chianti RED alledgedly -- :eek:
  7. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

  8. ah yes - i always thought you saw it at Volks World - but it was in the campsite when I met you.
  9. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

  10. no - it was the sunday i saw you ... the van was in the camping area ....

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