Arrrrrrgh gears, or lack of!

Discussion in 'Camper Conversions' started by Jeni Jacques, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. Howdie,

    Any suggestions why when I was driving my camper last night (which has recently had a reconditioned gearbox fitted), all of a sudden I completely lost nearly all of the gears?

    What should I be looking for? A problem with the rods or could it be a new gear stick that isn't engaging properly???

    Any advice would be great fully received.

  2. Sproggy4830

    Sproggy4830 Supporter

    Other that no gears what exactly is happenning
    Loose gearstick?
    Crunching gears?
    Stuck in. Gear?
    Is anything hanging down below the van etc etc
    Are the mounting bolts for the gearlever on the cab floor nice and tight
  3. If it recently had a recon box is it under warranty? Either way I'd be on to whoever fitted it in the first instance.
    Flakey likes this.
  4. Check the coupling just in front of the gearbox - the lag bolt came out of the pin on mine, leaving me with only 4th gear...
  5. the gearbox itself is pretty tough...the shift coupling (front of g/box) and stop plate adjustment (below the gearstick) are the most likely suspects....

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