Are we doing Movember again this year?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. Pod, sorry to hear about your dad. :(

    I've just registered for my 4th year. I just need a team of like minded idiots to join in with.;)
  2. I am up for it but am part of a group at work this year.
  3. oh ive already done mine :D
    ooooow groupeee :eek:
    Lord Charles likes this.
  4. 1383006_10151662176136017_972085992_n.jpg
  5. fair play to ye owen nw ive my goatie again [​IMG]
  6. Pod


    If you want to start up a team I'll sign up :thumbsup:
  7. Wassit all about then?
    I'm always up for looking stupid. :)
    All you have to do is persuade @Mrs Top Banana Racing . :)
  8. Pod


    Sign up on the Movember website, shave on the 1st and grow something comical on your top lip for the rest of the month. All money raised goes to support men's cancer and mental health charities and we all get to look like tits for a few weeks, what's not to like. :thumbsup: Plenty with mental health issues on here, how else can you explain owning an old VW?

    Tell Mrs TBR it will tickle her fancy :p
  9. Is there a TLB Team or something?
  10. Pod


    There soon can be, I will set it up and post the details here :chewie:
  11. Pod


    Ok, so the team name is TLB tache team. Just search for it on the Movember website at join up.
    @pkrboo @Zebedee @Top Banana Racing and anyone else who's up for it, have fun everyone :thumbsup:
  12. I maybe persuaded to come out of retirement I did the TLB team for 2 years had a break last year. The problem is my birthday is the end of November and I always look a bellend when I go out. I'm sure TBR will say change this to I always look a bellend full stop. Lol
    dog likes this.
  13. Pod


    You know you love it really ;)
    chrisgooner likes this.
  14. I'm in. :)
    chrisgooner and Pod like this.
  15. Close but no cigar. ;)
  16. Pod


    Top man :thumbsup:
  17. Woodylubber and Pod like this.
  18. I'm already signed up and in The TLB Team. :)
    We can start together when we deliver your bus next Friday.

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