Are Russians the new Germans?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dazza, May 30, 2015.

  1. Dazza

    Dazza Eyebrow not high brow

    Sat here in Turkey on my first package holiday in ages ( might be last as it goes) there's a hell of a lot of Russians here , it's my first day here and I've already heard lots of Brits and local staff moaning about them.
    I'm not sure if it's down to the fact that it's Turkey and it's their destination of choice or if they are all over the traditional Mediterranean resorts as well???
    Woodylubber likes this.
  2. Oh, I thought you meant mentalists, hell bent on world domination.....I was going to agree with you!
  3. No there everywhere
    Dazza likes this.
  4. Dazza

    Dazza Eyebrow not high brow

    They're certainly hell bent on restaurant and sun lounger domination:)
  5. Kick em in the whiskers!
  6. yeh they are the new 18-30s of the med init . cling film wrapped suit cases n sun bed thieves:rolleyes:, enjoy the sun n kebabs daz :thumbsup:
    dog and Dazza like this.
  7. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    They're all over Thailand and not liked much there either!
  8. good grief ,my idea of hell

    zed, paradox and volkswombat like this.
  9. I stayed in a place in Tenerife the same as that.......I just used to send the missus and kids to breakfast, and sharpened up my elbows, car boot style!
  10. just get your kids to bomb in the pool right next to um they soon move :D
    philntfc likes this.
  11. Yep, got to say that on the last few packages we've been on the Russians have been utterly obnoxious! Even the Germans were appalled by their behaviour. I think the reason being that a Russian family that can afford to travel abroad is very wealthy back home, are used to getting their own way and don't give a toss about anyone else.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  12. As above. Our hotel in Tunisia was full of them, mostly (strangely) mothers and daughters. They really don't know to behave. Meal times were particularly enlightening. I think the men were at home doing dodgy business deals.
  13. give me 10 germans to one Russian. Have come across them in many countrys and they are all out of control with plenty of money and no thought to anyone else and bloody rude as well. Have seen them even take the ice sculptures in restaurants and try to eat them but still didn't cool their tempers. Good news...went to Italy last year and there was none...the Italians hate them and I fell in love with Italy not just because of this...the cars were fantastic.
  14. Jeez got to agree with you lef, never have and never will go on holiday like that, I can't think of anything worse.
  15. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    Northern goa is full of them. We only went there for one day and avoided it for the rest of the holiday. Apparently they've only recently been able to freely and easily travel to certain places. They were very rude and obnoxious, but that's maybe just the norm to them???
  16. Not like joker then
  17. Dazza

    Dazza Eyebrow not high brow

    I have to say - just to even the balance a little bit...some of the Russian women are stunning , saw one last night with legs up to arms - unfortunately she was with a bloke with arms down to his legs :thumbsup:
  18. Dazza

    Dazza Eyebrow not high brow

    Just been down to put towels on sun beds and it was a lot easier than I thought, whether they are still there in an hour so remains to be seen .....they'd better not touch my Union flag beach towel:mad:
    zed and lost-en-france like this.

  19. Maybe I've got the wrong idea of a holiday. I thought it was to go and relax, be free of the bustle of "normal" life and to escape the stress it all brings. I presume all these people have got up early to que for a chance to put out their own lounger, then place it right next to complete strangers who may well get on your nerves before going off for something to eat. It looks like pre-arranged mental torture to me, but each to their own.
  20. Same experience in Crete. Very rude and will walk straight in front of you in a queue.....they don't queue!

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