Anyone own a bus in or around the Wigan area?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DaisyJuckes, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Hi, being a complete newbie and on the search (still), for 'my' bus I would really love to meet other owners, enthusiasts and people in the know in my area so that I can learn a little about them and what I need to be looking out for when I'm viewing buses etc. I'd also really appreciate it is any of you that live near by would consider coming with me if I find one not too far away to go and view. I'd be willing to pay expenses obviously! It's just I don't know anyone who owns a bus that I could call on for help/advice. Well, I do, that's a lie, but they both work such long hours and have a busy family and I don't know them well enough to feel like a can ask really!?!? Look forward to getting to know you all more!!!
  2. hi daisy... i saw your post on facebook and recommended the late bay, glad you've turned up here its a great place... im from the manchester ish area and i'm also a girly so willing to meet... i dont know a great deal but i do know a bit about rust but im sure congi would come along to check out busses and should come to a camp and have a look at some of our busses to see what style would suit you as by the sounds of things a super viking would suit you best for sleeping space wise...

    dont hesitate to contact me...there is also a vw meet (mainly bugs but busses too sometimes) between bury and bolton, we meet every other wednesday and i know there are people there who know exactly what to look for in a good bus....we meet at the Ainsworth Arms on bolton road bury, wednesday night from 7 ish :) so if ypu fancy popping along youre more than welcome xxx
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  3. Hi:). Thanks so much for your reply, that would be lovely!! I'll try and get there next Wednesday perhaps, will just have to prime the other half to putting all the boys to bed on his own hahahaha:). Shouldn't take me too long to get to Bury from Wigan?? xx
  4. its on this wednesday, then every other week... :) nah shouldn't take you too long...

    haha that should be fun for your other half ;) probs more fun for the boys haha... sounds like you've got a busy house there too x
  5. would take you about 5 mins more than it takes me to get there... i x
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  6. Shame mines going in on Thursday for a week to sort a few issues or you could have used mine to show you what to look out for :thumbsup:
    I should be picking it back up soon after so can pop to Ainsworth Arms ,or come along to a TLB camp.
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  7. Lord Congi ok, you're going to laugh at me now but what's a TLB camp?
  8. just a camp organised on here by with fellow late bayers... looks like you need to get a late bay now ;) x
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  9. tlb is short for the late bay x
  10. Or come to bus types at oswestry this weekend and have a good luck round. We're there all weekend and you can have a mooch around Wilma (a westfalia) and a few more.
    DaisyJuckes, Tiny-Pie and Lord Congi like this.
  11. Its The Late Bay camp :)
    Loads of top people and vans of all different types so you see which would suit your needs ,pop along for the day or come in a tent or anything ,nobody cares just after having a good time :thumbsup:
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  12. Sound good:) where can I find out where they are being held?
  13. 72wilma Oswestry, is that near Wrexham??? I'm sure my friend comes from there??
    Lofty likes this.
  14. click forums...scroll down to shows and events...theres a list of most things organised x
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  15. Shows and event section :thumbsup:
    DaisyJuckes likes this.

  16. DaisyJuckes Yep, just down from Wrexham.
    You will see every sort of camper imaginable there. It's called Bus Types Show and it's on this weekend Friday-Sunday.
    When we first got our camper we used to go up to people and ask to have a mooch inside their van to get ideas. VW folk are so thrilled when someone asks about their van, so you won't get any funny looks. You may be stuck there listening to them rabbit on for years though :D
    DaisyJuckes, Mrs Moosey and Tiny-Pie like this.
  17. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    If you mooch around Wilma there is the Goddess who may or may not require a blood sacrifice.
    All hail Puca the Magnificent. :)
    DaisyJuckes and 72wilma like this.
  18. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Don't tell her your roof is on bakkards though, will you :D :p
    DaisyJuckes and 72wilma like this.

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