Anyone know where I can buy aluminium table bracket strip?

Discussion in 'Camper Conversions' started by Ageinggroover, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. I'm looking for some of the aluminium extrusion used to attach the table to the van wall used by Devon etc. I've got some of the plastic caravan stuff but I'm not too impressed.
  2. kenregency

    kenregency Guest

    i find just kampers do most things :)
  3. Try vohringer they have loads of stuff too.
  4. I'm after one of these as well for my cooker/small table
    Anyone please?
    Many Thanks.

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    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
  5. hibiscrub likes this.
  6. got one on ebay now thanks
  7. redoxide

    redoxide Guest

    nip into a big B&Q they have a tiny section near the door hardware ( these places are all laid out the same ) where the sell stuco sheet and various extrusions among the extrusions youll find some half round aluminium strip ... or get the same stuff cheeper off ebay delivered to your door .. :)

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