Anyone else looking after a herman??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Magical Trevor, May 2, 2012.

  1. My mum used to call them freindship cakes :) They were talking about them on radio 1 the other day and I was thinking about starting one then low and behold Shell the friend with everyone got given one!! :) :)

    They are bloody demanding little critters mixing every day and then feeding every 4 !! :eek: :eek:

    Carnt wait to bake and eat him!! ;) ;)
  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  3. Keep getting them at work, I don't think we have many circles of friends so they come back round quickly! Getting quite sick of them now (probably doesnt help that my oven keeps burning them!)...
  4. We got one and the cake we made from it wasn't great - froze the rest until we get brave enough to resurrect him (Herman that is)
  5. i am not a fan of Herman
    I had fond childhood memories of friendship cake ( i can see it next to my parents sink in a big bowl)
    but when Herman arrived he made our house stink of yeast and he didn't taste nice cooked. i threw him away plus not dairy free so only good for me and enz .

  6. Mater usually had one on the go when I was a nipper. Ginger Beer as well, that could be shared and grown (although I might have dreamt that)
  7. As a kid we had them... Can't be hygenic but my memory tells it it tasted lovelly..

    Just need one of you cyber-mates to send me a mix :food:
  8. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I thought you meant a Hermans tortoise.
  11. I've had a Herman going for about 6 months now.
    Only problem is i ran out of enough people to give some to.

    Freezes nicely (for upto 3 months) once cooked though.
    I can heartily reccommend putting 100g raspberries and 100g of chocolate in. Or chocolate and banana. ;)
    Chopped, dried fruit just absorbs the moisture and makes it dry out too much.

  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    I have absolutely no idea what the hell this thread is about?
  13. Moons

    Moons Guest

    I'm unsure but I think they are on about a German version of one of these chaps:

  15. It's cake mix - you 'feed it' and the mix grows into enough to make 4 cake mixes

    You are then supposed to bake your cake & give the other three raw mixes to friends (who in turn feed their cake mixes & it multiplies again)
  16. Moons

    Moons Guest

  17. We have had two this year both were lovely.
  18. never heard of this before - it looks odd
  19. it's a nice idea sharing cake
    but it only takes half an hour to cook a nicer tasting cake that you can give away if you want to.

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