Another tale of woe...and...always carry an extinguisher

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bryandsi, May 13, 2012.

  1. Totally my fault, tired and not thinking properly - trying to wire in a rev counter. Use a double spade connector on to a live feed which, as I put it on bent and touched another spade connector.

    Needless to say I had not disconnected the battery, 10 seconds later I am in the back of the van with smoke everywhere. Pull the instrument panel off again and the dry powder extinguisher I had put in yesterday (!) was at hand.



    After a clean up only 3 wires melted and no damage to anything else. Will now replace all wiring from the area and surrounding wires.

    It was all going so well......:(

    ...but hey £10 fire extinguisher saves the day, will now buy more!
    Cheers B
  2. Oops
    Glad it wasn't too serious
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    we've all done similar, couldn't be arsed to disconnect battery and got lucky, i've got a quick release on my battery that helps me not get lazy on the van, glad it was only a small short and you've not done much damage.
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  5. Blimey....that little spark never stood a chance!!!!!........
    Glad it was'nt too serious.........apart from having to clean up all that bloody powder!!!
  6. matty

    matty Supporter

    I would clean the powder up as soon as posable
    as its can be corrosive don't use water as it will turn to a pasty and don't breath it in
  7. Ive got powder but also carry vapourising gas extinguisher, that doesn't leave a mess if its not a massive blaze.Used to have one for my office so to limit the extinguisher damage, but they do work. just a thought for future and anyone else it saves the b***dy mess. Sorry to hear your woos but glad it wasnt worse for you hope you get sorted soon. :(

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