All these cancelled VW shows...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Honky, May 10, 2012.

  1. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Despite being in VWs all my life I've not really been au fait with the show scene until the past 4 years.

    Has there been a year when so many shows have had to be cancelled/postponed?
  2. no never
  3. Not that I can remember.

    At this rate they will all be on the same weekend :eek:
  4. no never

    but also - there never used to be as many shows are there are now ....
  5. You think with all this rain they would stop the hose pipe ban.....
  7. Hahahahaha
  8. It's all thanks to The Health and Safety nutters. Whilst there's a chance of vehicles getting stuck in muddy field carparks and folk slipping in mud, there ain't no chance of a show. That said, over the next 4 days my wife is doing a (non-VW) show at the Malvern showground (same location as Van/BusFest) and all the carparks are on fields, as are most of the displays, and it's been chucking it down there for a couple of weeks, so god knows how they got away with it?
  10. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

  11. Why don't all these shows ban together, hire the NEC (middle of the country) and have one Uber show?
  12. isn't this the wettest drought in record ?
  13. I'm still sad they cancelled Total Wipe Out - that was a good show
  14. i havn't dared tell the boys about total wipeout being cancelled
  16. I'd say its more a fault of the promoters rather than Health and Safety. They get their sums wrong and pull out when they can't honour their commitments. It's been happening a lot in the music industry also of late.
  17. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Like I said in an earlier thread, I've stopped pre-booking shows coz our weather is just too unpredictable, some shows are prebook only, their loss not mine if I dont go :)
  18. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Having a show on a water logged field will destroy it for months, it makes sense to cancel.
  19. Honky

    Honky Administrator


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