Accelerator Set Up....

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by vinnyisking007, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Hi

    Was just wondering if has any pics of Accelerator Set up under the pedal its self please..As not sure if were missing a spring etc for rod(got a groove couple mm from end) going threw the pedal its 72 rhd sorry to sound dumb :)..think its better to ask has im great with offside rules but not vw t2 pro lol..
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    As there are numerous different linkages for different age buses as well as LHD/RHD, it would be better if you put up a picture of yours. But yes, spring clip missing by the sounds of it.
  3. ok zed ill go take some pics...then might get better idea whats missing,,,:)
  4. Heres some pics...not sure whats missing or where im gone tape just temp to stop bar popping out and making click when pressed down:) ...........






  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I'm guessing that circlip came off there? Not ideal as they're a bit flimsy under your foot. It really needs a spring clip like the rest but might be ok with the circlip and a washer either side of the tab on the pedal. If you do this and it falls off don't blame me though. :)

    In the meantime, you will find there are quite a few of these spring clips attached to the cold air vent mech under the dash. A good place to borrow one from at this time of the year.
  6. yes circlip came off it thought somethin was missing.....Think i will find a spring clip in the places you said,...Saying that the tape is doing a super job lol.....thanks for the info zed

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