A question for the musical people.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jazzie C, Mar 15, 2012.

  2. The triangle looks pretty easy ;D
  3. I have come to accept that I will not be a musician, I have bought (and given away) more guitars than I care to mention, I even had loads of lessons but never Found made the time to practice. In the house we have a piano (good old freecycle) and Mrs OP can bang out a tune or two and she also plays the clarinet, small OP had her first piano lesson last week. I will stick to listening too and appreciating those who have the talent, good luck with your search, just make the time to practice.
  4. ^^^ theres a joke in there somewhere about Mrs OP banging out a tune or two on your clarinet, but that's way beneath me ;-)
  5. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    ^ :lol:
  6. This evening i'm popping over to my mates house and he's going to show me a few things on his bass... next week I've found someone at work who plays drums and he's going to show me a couple of bits on his kit...

    I shall see what floats my boat :)

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