1641 TP?? late?? and late late . day out.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, May 13, 2012.

  1. Went out for the day yesterday and betty said can we call in and see an old friend of mine she only lives just down the road a bit from where we were, cawc i said , look what i found as i drove up the drive and then look what her hubby had in the garage along with sooooooo much more!! then the 1641 TP beasty in the garage, sorry pic not that good but it was pretty packed in their Hes in is sixties and likes a bit of speed, and motor bikes, hes got 14 of em!! apparently hes taken the wheelie stabilizers off the back of the trike :eek: . said he got pulled over by plod last year, he said whats prob, plod said you keep taking your hand off the handle bars , yeh he says how else am i supposed to change gear ;D ooooooh said :-[ young mr plod.Sounds luuuuverly, did do vid of it running but cant get it to load. Next time we go down hes gona get it out so might get a blip on it ;D
  2. Forgot to say her old 90yr old mum was their she used to have barn door splitty in the sixties that the used to tour spain living the hippy life by the sounds of it , might be getting some pics of those days too.
  3. That's what I call a good day out
  4. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator


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