12v de-mister, any good?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joyceethebluedevon, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. any tried anything like this, our heater is crap, so wondered if this could at least de-mist the screen :)

  2. Honky

    Honky Administrator

  4. Not sure what you would connect this to. Will take over 16amps which might be a bit much for your fag lighter. 200watts isnt to be sniffed at if it actually chucks that out!
  5. My bus lives on the drive and next to the house so I have a heater in there in winter running off the mains. Only mists up on set off as a rule but my exchangers kinda work (although they do whiff abit)
  6. I have had a couple of these and basically they have all been cats arse.

    Invested my time getting my heat exchangers working and the heat provided from the engine although not delivered effectively de-mists the windscreen very well.
  7. Try a 12v hair dryer plugged into a fag socket.
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    the 12v things are pants , sorry :(
  9. agree with above my heat exchangers and cladding is in great condition and i have no issues with misting up, and i'm toasty warm :thumbsup: do the job right and get em fixed ;)

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