1 reasonable hubcap sorted thanks popout

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by jonbott, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. looking for 1 decent original habcap,dont want anything fantastic just not knackered like the one I got ;D
    other 3 are pretty good
  2. Should have one mate. Just cover the postage and it's yours.
  4. still lookin
  5. Definition of reasonable????

    may have one but suppose depends if you want some corrosion or none at all? How much would some be?
  6. And oops.. How can you tell if original??
  7. Hi Jon I may have one down here, will have a look today and let you know

    Cheers tim
  8. ok cheers,hiya tim long time no hear!
  9. Got one for ya Jon. What shifts you working? I finish work 4.40 monday and tuesday and 12 on wednesday, could meet you at Marizion or somewhere nearby? I'll pm you my mobile number
  10. Pm sent, let me know if you dont get it ;)
  12. ok Jon, that should have been 4.30 finish work lol
  13. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  14. are edges wider or thinner on originals?
  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Wider on repro.
  16. I guess you were after Chrome originals which is a shame as I have a set of 4 original VW painted caps without rust for only £20 plus post (yep, less than rustomatic repro)

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